On this page you will find contributions by other LBers.  These contributions have been selected because they have that special, certain something that sets them apart.  Maybe its because the program is instructive and is an aid to all LBers, or maybe its because it uses some interesting programming techniques.  In the Description column, I list the reason why the program qualified for listing here - so you will know exactly what you are getting if you download.
Please feel free to submit your contributions here - it can be a program, a subroutine, a tutorial, etc., but don't be offended if I request changes, or, Heaven forbid, reject your contribution.  I don't care if the program is a game, a utility or even a complete replacement for MS Windows - it is the internal techniques and how clearly that they are written that I'll be looking at.
Oh - and what's John Travolta doing in the background - well - he's the King of Kewl - just like the programs that you will find here!
Name Author Description Last Update
HelpDemo.zip Robert Oakes A wonderful little Helpfile for LB programs - looks great.
Format *.BAS - ZIPped size 3KB
21st Sept , 98
Tony B
Simple and easy to read program that demonstrates how to access the Joystick using the MMsystem.dll.  Has some additions by Richard Griffiths.
Format *.BAS  ZIPped size 2Kb
1st Aug, 98
Alyce & Tom Watson
Alyce and Tom are definitely the Graphics experts.  Look at this 3d demo of Foreground, Background and 'Middlegound' as you drive your car down the highway.  Truly amazing. And the code is written using reusable techniques to make it easy for you to apply in your own programs. 
Format: *.BAS  ZIPped size 28Kb
20th July, 98
Statbar.zip David Szafranski We don't hear from David too often - and after you see this implementation of a Status Bar - you will be wondering what else he has in his treasure trove.  In just one status bar, David incorporates so many uses and activities (Time of day, progress slider, tooltips, etc., etc.)- you will wonder how you lived/programmed without it! 
Format: *.BAS  ZIPped Size: 6Kb
10th July, 98
Incident.zip Destiny This program shows how to create different forms to be filled out by a user - all on the same screen.  The program supplied here is not complete.  It just contains the code for switching between the different forms.  It is well written - and you can certainly learn some new tricks here. 
Format: *.BAS  ZIPped size:  8Kb
1st July, 98
Ham.zip Robert Oakes This program is designed for HAM radio operators  BUT here is an excellent example of how to produce an attractive/professional dialog window using Graphics controls. 
Format *.BAS  ZIPped Size 3Kb
26th June, 98
MarcMidi Marc Leon Marc has produced a DLL to allow you to produce MIDI output.  In this file you will find a sample program and the DLL produced by Marc - Great Stuff!!!!!!!!!!!! 
Format: *.DLL  ZIPped Size: 7Kb
21st June, 98
Sprite Demo Kim Harrington Kim is a relatively new LB programmer  - but has come up with a Sprite demo that doesn't require any API calls - its all done with LOADBMP and DRAWBMP.  This makes the code very easy to read and follow. This is an excellent program to learn some animation techniques.  Plus you will find some very attractive little sprites for you to plagiarise. 
Format: *.BAS  ZIPped Size: 40Kb
11th May, 98
SysTray Rick Griffiths Here's a program that allows you to minimise your LB program to the Win95 System Tray - also includes neat options like an Animated Icon - Considering that LB is a 16 bit program, this is very impressive stuff!!! 
Format: *.BAS  ZIPped Size: 176Kb
11th May, 98
Spell Checker Michael Rankin I couldn't believe this one!!!  A spell checker written in LB that doesn't have a performance problem.  Michael uses some great techniques for indexing and searching his RANDOM file dictionary.  This program could easily be tailored to be used in your own program! 
Format: *.BAS  ZIPped Size:  120Kb
11th May, 98
Font Selecter Alyce Watson 
Tom Record
Alyce has combined her code with a module produced by TomR to come up with a very professional Font Selection dialog.  I also particularly like this one because it uses 'reusable' coding techniques to make it easy to plug into your program. 
Format: *.BAS  ZIPped Size:  12Kb
11th May, 98
This space reserved for your contribution.
Submit a contribution to Brosco
A special thank you to Kim Harrington for the assistance with setting up this page.